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Showing posts from August, 2016

How to sue for medical negligence in India

I've always had a problem with the way doctors are treated in India. Especially, in the smaller towns where the penetration of education is low...people think doctors are gods. Even mediocre medical professionals who consult in villages are considered clever than the patients and in a way revered and respected. However, over the years this has created such a divide between the doctor and the patient that even until now Indian patients have a problem opening up to their doctors. Even today I see patients asking the pharmasict/chemist at the medical store about how to take the medicines - pre lunch or post lunch etc...instead of asking the doctors. Here are something I want to define for Indian patients, somethings I wish I could always tell them about the medical profession : 1. Medicine in India is defined as a 'Service'. Just the way you hire your maid or a taxi...the medical professional you hire is a just service and as such if you are cheated in any way or unsat

How can I change my organ donor status on Faceboook? Even if I am in India

A lot of my friends have been wondering how one can become an Organ Donor in India and if you need to register with a particular hospital or clinic etc.  The most important thing to know about Organ Donation is that, you need not be tied down to or registered with any hospital in the world to be an Organ Donor. All you really need is FACEBOOK! Yes I mean it. Facebook.  Mark Zuckerberg has made it very easy for you to become a Organ Donor. No matter which part of the world you are in, you can actually become and Organ Donor on Facebook and announce it tot he world.  Here is how : Select the "Help Centre" on Facebook after you have logged in and select your Organ Donor status:  Just choose the become an Organ Donor and it will take you to your country respective registry. In India it is this website : Just input your Name and other details and you are officially an Organ Donor. It is that easy and yes it is a valid regist