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Showing posts from December, 2016

Now a campaign to end womens abuse during childbrith

If you have ever passed through government hospitals, then you have seen that apart from the horrible state that the                hospitals are in the absolute worst thing is the way in which pregnant women are treated at the hospitals.  Picture Courtesy - Mostly these government hospitals are overcrowded and many a times women in labor are sent back until such time as they are crowning because there is no place to admit them. Also the worst behavior is meted out to women giving birth by being verbally abusive to them, putting too much pressure directly on their stomach during and fracturing arms and legs of newborns while trying to pull them out in a hurry.  There is also no privacy and cleanliness is a real issue. At a time that should be one of the most memorable and beautiful in a women’s life is turned into a more stressful affair than what it’s normally is. Most women feel lonely, humiliated and have horror stories to tell o