The White House today made an announcement that will affect thousands of organ transplant recipeints in USA to reduce their waiting time and enable to the number of transplants per day to increase dramatically.
According to research 100% of USA population favours Organ donation and would be ready to donate their organs but only 50% end up doing so.
So according to the three pronged approach initiated by Mr. Barack Obama includes developments in the following three areas has been considered:
So according to the three pronged approach initiated by Mr. Barack Obama includes developments in the following three areas has been considered:
1. Development of New Technologies
One the first announcements was to support newer technologies that would allow for organ replacment in the future with new tissue development and other technologies like 3D printing.
One the first announcements was to support newer technologies that would allow for organ replacment in the future with new tissue development and other technologies like 3D printing.
"New breakthroughs in bioengineering, transplantation, and organ preservation can further increase the number of organ transplants and improve outcomes," the President's office said.
2. Reducing time taken for Donor Organ to reach from Donor to Recipient
Another initiative announced aimed to reduce the wastage of organs from one to to the end due to negligence on logistics. More than 30 transplant centers have said they'll share data and best practices for kidney transplants for hard-to-match patients. This could help almost 1,000 more people a year obtain transplants, the White House said. The vast majority of transplant patients need kidneys.
3. Social Media and annoucement of Organ Donor Status
The last inniviative is to announce Organ donation from Millitary families into Non-Millitary familes, Across blood type donations, Donations from HIV +ve to Non Hiv -ve and vice versa....basically allow organ donations to happen universally across the board irrespective of the blood type and health of the donor.
The last inniviative is to announce Organ donation from Millitary families into Non-Millitary familes, Across blood type donations, Donations from HIV +ve to Non Hiv -ve and vice versa....basically allow organ donations to happen universally across the board irrespective of the blood type and health of the donor.
This innitiative has been announced along with the NGO ORGANIZE based in New York that will make it easier for Donors and Organs to connect to each other.
Here is the quick video on the idea they plan to execute.
Along with the moonshot to cancer this iniviative has been highly well recieved by the citizens of US and the world. We applaud the President of taking steps in healthcare that no one has taken before.
For a full a total report, coverage and video footage you click on the link below
Source - The White House
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