Source - https://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/HomeHealthandConsumer/ConsumerProducts/ArtificialPancreas/ucm259548.htm
What is the Artificial Pancreas?
One of the most exciting breakthroughs our times, the Artificial Pancreas is a device that will automate the checking of blood glucose level and the dispensing(or withholding) of insulin (according to the glucose level in the blood).
The system is made up of a sensor that measures blood glucose under the skin; an insulin pump; an infusion patch that delivers insulin from the pump via a catheter inserted into the skin and a computer chip that uses data to optimize insulin delivery by the minute.
(More info - http://www.diabetesincontrol.com/fda-approves-first-artificial-pancreas/)
The technology
This technology will give a huge relief to diabetes sufferers, especially those suffering from Type 1 Diabetes. No more pricking yourself for blood sugar measurement six time a day and no more making the lengthy calculation of the amount of insulin to be taken based on what you eat.
The Artificial Pancreas will do all of this for you while you go about your day.
How will it function?
The Artificial Pancreas will be first available as an external device to be worn around your waist, It will measure the glucose levels and directly administer the insulin into the patients blood stream.
The FDA in USA has already given approval for it and the device is expected to hit the market soon.
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