In India everything concerning a childs well being , from the moment they are born, is considered to be a mothers responsibility. It is not surprising therefore that when their 15 to 30 year olds are afflicted with organ failure there is a huge pressure and expectation from mothers to be willing to donate an organ to their offspring. While the father's just take care of the expenses and other details. What really makes my blood boil is when really aged mothers (60 to 70 year olds) are called upon by their children to help them out of their sickness. These patients are mainly egged in by doctors who encourage donation of an organ from blood relative because the organ donation rules in India only allow donation from blood relatives believing they are the most alutirstic and not unfair advantageous to the donor. But the government in their view to create lesser corruption for organ donation have created a population of women and mothers in India with only one kidney after donating an other one to their child or spouse. Why is the government and people in general blind to this trend is what I don't understand...all you have to do is step into any transplant ward in any hospital and you would know.
Source - Pintrest
Its like a repetition of the social pressures she must have felt for having children in the first place. I just don't understand why Indians are still stuck with the self sacrificing 'Mother India' concept of a mother than that of a healthy, positive woman who can contribute to her child's wellbeing without having to prove it at every step through some dramatic action.
Here is how I feel that the laws can be corrected:
1. Just because you got sick, it is not your mothers responsibility to make you better. For all patients above the age of 18 the first choice should be cadevar donations followed by a choice of live donation
1. Just because you got sick, it is not your mothers responsibility to make you better. For all patients above the age of 18 the first choice should be cadevar donations followed by a choice of live donation
2. If a child requires a transplant , both the parents ( hell even siblings and grandparents) should be tested and then a call should be taken on who the donor would be
3. If you see this happening in your family please take care to ensure that the mother does not feel any pressure to donate an organ
4. Government should ensure pschytrists with and counsellors in transplant teams to ensure these kinds of resentful and unwilling donations don't happen with out the happiness and agreement of both the parties involved. ( it is entirely possible that the parents are abusive or resentful towards the child post donation)
5. Allow donations from who so ever wants to donate. Our country has closed off donations from non blood relatives simply because they assume that non related donors must be paid money for an organ instead of wanting to donate and hence the number of organ donations in our country is so low...with many just dying waiting for an organ.
For truly alutiristic donations make sure the totally unknown people are matched up for donation and the donor and recipient are tracked on financial statements
For truly alutiristic donations make sure the totally unknown people are matched up for donation and the donor and recipient are tracked on financial statements
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